Saturday, September 11, 2010

shutter speed - shower

exposure time 1/10 sec

exposure 1/30 sec (the tone of this picture is modified though...because the flashlight made the picture quite awkward)



  1. Of all the pictures I've seen so far for this assignment, this is by far my favorite. I think that the water droplets really capture what this project was all about, with the slow shutter speed appearing as a continuous flow and the fast shutter speed revealing the separate droplets. Beyond the fulfillment of the assignment, though, I think these pictures are really well-composed, with the addition of the small objects in the soap dish. I am also curious about how you prevented your camera from getting soaked, since my experience with the showers around here is that they spray water everywhere. I consider it quite a feat.
    ~Jessica Mazur

  2. I really like your idea to take photos of shower and also how you placed a little bit props and made the photos more interesting. Great job!! I like the water drop in the low shutter speed one.

