Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Barthes- Studium and Punctum

I think the above image embodies studium because it is an interesting image but nothing stands out. It invokes a like/don't like response but there is nothing that gives me a strong emotional reaction.

I think this image embodies punctum  because although my eye is drawn to the group of girls at the front, I then look at the boys in the back. I wonder why the first boy seems to be hiding from something. It reminds me of being a kid and playing hide and seek. 
-Sara Bencic

1 comment:

  1. It's so interesting that you say that, because I feel the complete opposite. i feel a punctum to the top photograph and a studium to the bottom. There is something about that hats on the people that draw me in. I also really enjoy the difference between white, black and gray in the top photo. But I don't feel a very strong connection, actually hardly anyone at all to the bottom photo. -Tali Lekorenos
