Sunday, September 19, 2010


Narrow depth of field F 5.6

Greater depth of field F 22

-Yue Nakayama


  1. yue, maybe because i am following your blog and already saw a lot of your pictures, the moment I saw these two i knew they were your works.
    it is interesting that you took the pictures from such an angle that the slope created a very unique shape for your mac computer. everything is really static. it is sooooo yue...

    and please, this is post for week 3.

  2. I think you captured both pictures perfectly with the different apertures. By having one completely in focus and one with a blurred background. Nice job!


  3. Good Yue - remember your white balance if you want a more color corrected shot. Depth of field is good. saw

  4. What drew me to this picture was the fact that the subject matter was so simple, yet you framed it in such a way that it became interesting. Also, I think it worked out really well in terms of the assignment at hand.
