Thursday, September 16, 2010


The top image is f/16 (greater depth of field) and the bottom image is f/5.6 (shallower depth of field). 
-Sara Bencic


  1. I really like the composition of these two photographs, and it really captures the assignment of depth of field! It is very clear the difference between the fore ground and the back ground clarity.
    -Emily Schreiber

  2. The subject matter in these two photos is really interesting. I cannot tell exactly what kind of berries/small fruit those are, but the angle of the photos makes it clear that when you found them you were really thinking about the pictures you were capturing. ~Jessica Mazur

  3. I really like the perspective you took these photos from. I've always found ground-level shots really striking -- I think it makes the shapes of objects seem fuller, more distinct, than they look when you're viewing them from even slightly above. The effect works really well for you here.

    -- Kate Morley

  4. I love how you shot these pictures from a creative angle, it really makes them unique! The ambiguity of the fruit also keeps the viewer guessing, which makes the photos even more interesting, very nice!

  5. Good work - especially that you have made an interesting composition of the technical assignment. INteresting idea of placing fruit/ vegetable in place we don't anticipate such as the road.. color acts as great activator of the space.
