Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vintage Photos

I went to Flea Market last summer and many old vintage photos were sold at one of the places there. It was $1 each and I bought five interesting old photos.

It is so interesting that those photos weren't even taken by any famous photographers, but they look really cool and artsy and nice. Maybe it is because of the color and oldness of the photos, but I feel like those vintage photos are sometimes look even better than those nice photos taken by famous photographers. Maybe it is because the person who took the photos is more attached to the photo, or the personal relationship of the photographer and the models make them really nice and more memories and feelings are attached to those photographs.

The Flea Market was at Brooklyn, but one of the photos was actually from Cincinnati. It's so interesting to see how far a photo can travel and I really like the memos that is left on the back of vintage photos.

- Yue Nakayama


  1. Amazing!! The images are fabulous and the writing on the back adds another layer of narrative/mystery to be solved/unsolved..
    I love snapshots of other peoples lives - how do they end up being sold back to other people who make up their own stories about them? Who got rid of them?

  2. I'm glad someone else buys old photos! In NH there is a huge antique store that has boxes upon boxes of old photographs and i used to go through them all the time and pick out the ones i though were the best! It has to be that nostalgic feeling to them as though you were looking at your grandmothers picture, even if you have no idea who the people in the photos are. It's also the idea that times really do change and it's very interesting, to me at least, to see how styles have changes or settings.

    -Miaja St. Martin

  3. Love the one with the man and the woman in the fur coat!! I love fur in photos, and vintage photos in general. I also buy old photos hahaha! There is this great little everything store in Concord, MA (my hometown) that has new things every day, anyways they have a whole dresser of old photos and I love to buy them. Because I like how I'm buying somebodies story and memory! Great collection of photos!! and great inspiration these are! -Tali
