Monday, August 30, 2010

The Early Subway Life of Shanghai White-Collars - Ming Tian

This is a documentary photo by a Chinese photographer. It nicely captures the modern city life in Shanghai, the economic capital of China where business and consumption is skyrocketing. It is fairly interesting to read the facial expressions of people in this photo, and with them we more or less find similar stories of life in our own. Therefore, this photo reveals the truth of our emotions and reflects social reality.
The two lines in the picture created by the downward elevator not only indicates the location of the crowd, but also divides the crowd into different parts and make the organization less chaotic.

- Kaini Zhou


  1. I feel like this is a very "photo journalism" photo which I can imaging this to be in the pages of New York Times. However, at the same time it certainly has interesting artistic features, such as lines and colors and small details of people's expression. I like this photo because of the subject that the photographer choose, which is "different" from what people consider as subject of artistic photography.


