Monday, August 30, 2010

Stinkbug Eggs (2010)

Martin Oeggerli for National Geographic took this photograph of the eggs of a stinkbug, which are attached to the leaf where they are laid. I love this picture because by capturing it up close so much pattern, texture, and detail is revealed that would not be seen otherwise. I also like how Oeggerli used the pattern of the eggs to create a line to lead the eye up. 
-Belkis Schoenhals

1 comment:

  1. THis reminds me so much of a background that would come with an apple computer, because of the simplicity, repetition and the brightness of the photo. It's such an interesting photo because I've never seen stinkbug eggs before, however I imagine that the eggs are in fact quite small but here they look rather large. I especially like the glowing circle around the top of each egg.
