Friday, October 22, 2010

Strobist Kit

I used a single flash for this picture, set to the left of and slightly below the vulture.

I played around with a lot of different versions of this shot; I was never quite able to get the effect that I wanted, but I think this version comes the closest to what I was hoping for. I aimed the right-hand flash through a white umbrella to soften the glare on the underside of the stairs, but kept the left-hand flash unfiltered -- I liked the lines that the succession of brighter glares reflecting off the various rails created.

-- Kate


  1. I like the shadow (and the subject matter) in the first one, but I especially like the second one. Because of the way the light falls, I feel like it could be a shot from a horror movie, where the main character is moving slowly through the dark house, with only a flashlight to illuminate the rooms. It is also interesting to me that the subject matter feels very appropriate for this time of year, with it being close to Halloween, but that's just an outside observation. ~Jessica

  2. The vulture is really creepy hahaha... it's fake right? I think so, but you never know. Anyways good use of light on both of them. I think it would have been interesting to see the vulture with more light; with a brighter background, maybe more white than off white. -Tali
