Thursday, October 21, 2010

Strobist Kit "Bookworm"

For this shot I used a blue gel and put it inside of a book. I set the flash to about 1/16 and over exposed the picture so that the flash would have a creepy effect.

-Ashlee Dickson


  1. I don't know why it posted so small :( you can't even see its awesomeness because its so tiny :(

  2. If you click on the picture itself it was enlarge greatly. It looks really cool! I'm still kind of confused how you did it though. Were you holding the flash in the book with you?


  3. This picture is so cool!! I love how you got creative, why is the light blue? I thought it would be a white light...


  4. I used a blue gel... thats why it is blue and yea I just put the flash inside the book.
